A Scared Puppy Cowers In A Corner Until The Weight Of His Past Is Lifted

A long time ago, the control authorities spotted furry animals in a forest. He had a large leather belt fastened to a chain and was also tied to a tree.

The little animal was in the bones and looked very scared. Judging by the landscape, someone put him there with the express goal of his death. He had no food or drink in his fist.
“When we discovered him, we were sure that his previous existence was very painful,”said Courtney Bello, Director of animal rescue and rehabilitation at Sennar.

Stewart called him and brought him to a shelter . The first days of any puppy in a shelter are usually difficult, but Stuart’s case was especially terrible. He spent the whole day hunched over in a corner.
“I didn’t want anyone to touch her. He was hiding in a corner. “He was definitely scared,”said one of the assistants.

Every time someone tries to approach him, he will do nothing but retreat, snarl and hide his little head . All of them are strong indications that he suffered unfair and unpleasant treatment. He was so scared that no one could pull that heavy leather collar out of him.
“Stuart was so angry with our presence that we had a new idea . “We thought we would let him rest,”said Rebecca Rudd, one of the assistants.

For a puppy in these conditions it can be very difficult to find a permanent home . However, volunteers were eager to help him. They decided to try to give her more time and space, but nothing worked out.

He was barely eating and they couldn’t take him to the vet . It was then that Courtney decided to anesthetize him for a transfer and conduct a number of tests.

The veterinarian gave him treatment so that he could begin to rebuild his strength. Courtney took advantage of the time when the fur was anesthetized to remove those terrible jewelry .

When Stuart woke up and felt free from this enormous burden, his behavior changed forever. He first ventured to look at the volunteers and seemed ready to try to interact with them.
“This belt around her neck was a weight from her history. When we pulled it out he started to open up and even wagged his tail,” Courtney recalls.

Probably anyone heard Stewart’s sad sighs and gave up . Fortunately, this furry faced the greatest rescuers and now there is no doubt that he will fully recover.
We don’t know what this little dog had to go through to scare people so much, but every act of affection that the rescuers give him will help him put his terrible past behind him.
Don’t go without posting this message to remember that all puppies deserve a second chance.