Paralyzed Stray Dog Discovered Crying In Agony, Despairing For Days Along The Road

Several reports were received a couple of days ago of a poor dog who could not move her back legs after being hit by a car.
It was clear that the sad bitch had just given birth and was missing her puppies. Fortunately, the dog, which was almost paralyzed and likely had a broken leg, was rescued.

Since there was no evidence to find her puppies anywhere, it was suspected that Sinead was still pregnant. So, after Doc Pierre had an X-ray, it was found that she had a spinal fracture, which affected the nerves in her back legs. However, she can urinate and defecate in the shelter, so hopefully these functions will not be affected.

It is believed that with laser treatment there is a chance of recovery, so she was programmed to be given intense laser treatment for 7 consecutive days. Fortunately, after 5 days of taking the medication, she was able to eat and drink on her own and also had a bowel movement 3 times last night. Moreover, there was a significant improvement in bone and muscle growth after thirteen days.

However, although it is a bit weak, it will hopefully get stronger with more therapy sessions. Her condition has improved now after one month, but she may not be able to use her legs again. We hope she meets the forever family she deserves. Watch the video below.
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