Owner Abandons Dog At Gate And Drives Off, Leaving Pup Hoping For Rescue

It is difficult to understand how little empathy humans have for animals. Especially after they have one. Alas, heartbreaking tales of abused and abandoned dogs persist, and the rsbka shelter in Leicester, England made headlines in March for another example.

Workers at the Woodside animal shelter were surprised when they walked into work on a Wednesday in March to find it tied to their front gate. It was not known who had left her there or how long she had been there without food or drink (although it could not have been more than an evening).
The cute little dog was just waiting for someone to locate her and became very happy when she met the rescuers.
“She was standing with her head thrust between the fence bars, her ears back with these big, brown puppy-dog eyes,” a spokesman from the shelter said in a press release.

Misty certainly had a difficult past before she made her way to the rescue.
For starters, she looked underweight and the photos reveal her exposed ribs under her skin. There were also wounds on her nose and a skin disease that needed to be treated.

Rescuers found a chip in Misty, but when they called the number where she was registered, they were told that she had been resettled years earlier. There was no additional information on why this was or who its future owners were (nor how it was abandoned) (nor how it was abandoned).
Since England has a detailed animal welfare law (revised in 2006), abandoning it is a felony. The investigation has begun and seems to be ongoing.
The Woodside Animal Centre shared the information on Facebook and asked anyone with knowledge of her “owners” to get in touch. Read their publications, in part:
“You probably noticed in the news today a story about a little stuffy who was left chained to our gates in Woodside.
This complaint is immediately handled by the RSFSR headquarters because this is now a criminal case. Stuffy is being cared for at Woodside and is getting specialist care to make sure she is physically and mentally healthy.”
In March, rescuers released a small update about the wonderful Staffordshire bull terrier in response to an inquiry from an interested citizen:
“Misty is doing a great job and is healing well under our care. Once you become eligible for resettlement, we will be able to provide a comprehensive update.”

In June, she became ready for adoption as soon as the lockdown in England ended and I immediately found her forever at home with a couple looking to give her a wonderful life.
The shelter announced the wonderful news along with a blurry photo and her new parents:
“Our adorable girl finally said goodbye to dog house life last week!
After being left tied to our gates earlier this year, Misty became part of the rsbka cruelty investigation. After winning her case during the lockdown, Misty can finally start looking for her permanent home.
Misty had tons of interest and we are glad that many of you decided to open your homes and hearts to our precious girl.”
Misty’s new mom, Jen Wingfield, even shared a photo and an update about the dog for worried animal lovers who wanted to make sure she was settling in well.

“She’s really cool and settled down well. So glad he asked her to be her parents, ” Wingfield said in the comments to Misty’s adoption post.
We are very happy for this little girl!