Pit Bull Rescued From Kill Shelter Displays Incredible Talent, Earns Title “Therapy Dog of the Year” (Video)

Every dog is unique. We consider ourselves very lucky to have them in our lives. However, every now and then a dog appears whose natural senses exceed those of the average dog. This is the story of Aladdin, a truly extraordinary puppy. Aladdin is a pitbull with a troubled past. It went completely unnoticed. When he was placed in a kill shelter, he was starving. He was missing 12 teeth and had major bone problems.

The adorable Pit Bull cannot bend his hind legs. To compensate for his problems, he sits, lies down, and walks in an unusual way. Fortunately, his future mother, Michelle, discovered him in the kill shelter and immediately fell in love with him! In the video below, she explains that despite everything he’s been through and his obvious pain, he waggled his tail the moment they met!
Aladdin became a registered therapy dog within a year of his adoption. Aladdin’s exceptional ability to communicate with others was responsible for this. He has a penchant for children. Even if the room is full, Aladdin will find a way to reach the person who needs his help most. No one knows for sure, but it seems to be able to detect their emotional distress. Maybe it’s because of his past. Maybe because his deformed legs still bothered him.

Aladdin was present at the scene of the Orlando nightclub shooting. He made his way through the crowd to approach the man. No one knew who was inside the club or who was standing near it for support because the crowd was so large. Aladdin, on the other hand, did! He lunged at a man who told him, “This dog looked at me and knew I needed him.” When he was discovered inside the club, Aladdin realized how important it was for this nice man to feel safe. It was a heartfelt moment.
This amazing dog not only helps humans, but also helps dogs who have been abused or traumatized. Despite everything Aladdin does for dogs and people, he still has to deal with the stigma associated with the dog breed. His mother has first-hand knowledge of how difficult it is. Kids will flock to pet Aladdin, but once they learn about his breed and realize he’s a pit bull, some parents will turn their kids away from him. Michelle, Aladdin’s mother, is working hard to change that! She enjoys dressing him in clothes that make him more approachable, even if she has to!

Aladdin also received praise. The American Humane Association named him “Therapy Dog of the Year.” This was a turning point for Aladdin. A man approached Michelle at an awards show and offered to play Aladdin for free. The vet was confident it could relieve the majority of his bone pain. Isn’t this incredible?
We promise that Aladdin’s story will get better. This dog amazed us with his amazing ability to connect with people and other dogs in need. Don’t be disappointed by not watching the video embedded below. It’s very inspiring. Hopefully, Aladdin and other Pit Bulls will be treated with respect.

Every dog is unique, and breed stereotypes should never be used to judge the breed as a whole! Please watch the video and share Aladdin’s unique story if you care about dogs like Aladdin and Pit Bulls!