People Mocked Him For Resembling A “Pig”, Yet Only He Understood The Suffering He Endured

A man was walking around the street when he noticed a homeless dog with a terribly swollen face. While others were happy with the dog’s situation, the man in question did not ignore it.
Contact the animal rescue organization Animal Aid Unlimited (Al Ain University) for help. When a rescue squad arrived at the scene to help the dog, they were not ready for the terrible picture that greeted them.

Rescuers were worried when they noticed that the dog looked like a pig due to the massive swelling on his face.
The dog greeted the rescuers with a tail swing and even before their treatment, but every time they went to touch him, he ached in pain.
After several futile attempts to catch the dog, the rescuers were forced to use a net to hold the sad creature.

The veterinarian of the shelter hastened to diagnose swelling as a result of a severe abscess on the dog’s cheek. The abscess was shaved, dried before being disinfected and sutured.
Rescuers had no idea whether the medicine would work, but they watched the dog closely and hoped that he would live.

In this video, we watch the amazing recovery of the dog after just two weeks of medical treatment. His swelling has completely subsided, and again it seems that he is an ordinary dog!
With his bright smile, sparkly eyes, and cuddling personality, he has grown into one amazing puppy.
We would like to thank the Al Ain University team for the outstanding rescue efforts, as well as concerned passers-by who did not turn a blind eye!
Watch the video below to see how rescuers turned a bad situation into a happy ending.
Warning: the video content may be disturbing to some viewers.
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